Thursday, October 11, 2007

PeopleTools 8.4x - Finding references to a particular record field

Found a feature today that I had never seen before (don't laugh if you've been using it for years). If you bring up a record in Application Designer and right-click on a field there is an option to Find Definition References - Record Field. In the past I had always just opened the field and from the Edit menu selected Find Definition References, which brings back usage of the field on any object (record, page, peoplecode, etc.). The Find Definition References - Record Field limits the search to only the usage of that field on that particular record.

It is always nice to find a feature like this when you really need it...


Chili Joe said...

I've been using App Designer for years, and I'm just a few months ahead of you on this one. I just noticed it about 6 months ago. It's probably not there on the earlier Tools version.

I used to perform SQL queries on PSPNLFIELD and PSPCMNAME when I need to find references to a record field.

Anonymous said...

Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.